It's 3 a.m. but, I woke up from a dream
about little Caylee Anthony.
On Saturday=
I beseeched the Lord to provide the searchers
with grace to find evidence, and to locate her
body...While watching Nancy Grace, they
were discussing how the Equasearch team
found a little girl's dress, one that the
child was actually pictured wearing!
If it's true, it's HUGE! It was found in a
region of triangulation from Casey's cell
phone, near a wooded swampy area
near the airport. It is believed it is where
she buried the child. It was during her
call signalling that she was in this region,
that she told her friend Amy how
the horrifying "dead smell in her car,
(she claimed were from a squished squirrel
on the bottom grill) was gone" ...
She cold-heartedly said: "The smell
is finally gone.. I scraped off the dead squirrel."
Thank you merciful God for allowing
the case to proceed with mounting
circumstantial evidence. Today, the
grand jury meets. I ask that you allow
those enpaneled to have wisdom and
insight into this horrendous homicide.
I pray that Casey is brought to justice.
I pray that George Anthony, her dad,
who seems to have a conscience, to
speak honestly, only thinking of his
grand daughter, without regarding the
tight reign of terror from Casey and
his wife, Cindy.
Thank you Father, in Jesus' Name, for
answering part of this prayer within
such a short time.
I have to thank the Lord for the magnificent
work He's done in John's life! It is an
understatement to say how awed I am
by his full conversion and depth of
character and grace. He has become
so Christ-like. To watch his transformation
is something that has blessed me beyond
all comprehension.
It has been an incredible journey to see
the full sum of my longing and loneliness
burst into a fully blooming plant. All the
countless tears and prayers, even contrition
for loving someone so much, has not been
in vain. Instead, I am overwhelmed with
the mercy of how God revealed His kindness.
To hear John praise Jesus and talk about
the Holy Spirit indwelling him actually makes
me cry. We were both backslidden when we
were together, and apart, we both reunited
with Christ, and then the Lord put us back
in eachother's hearts again.
I had been resigned to finish my sojourn
in celibate devotion to the Lord, grateful
for this great commission, and opportunity
to devote my heart to Him. But, the
Lord is faithful to exceed our own desires.
He states to seek the Kingdom of God,
and he will give us all things!
How can I measure the depth and breadth
of God's mercy and love? If I could understand
the infinite universe, maybe I could then
grasp the heart of God, and how His righteousness
is attainable to all who yearn for it.
Even my broken heart was useful in
magnifying God's beauty. It says in
Pro 13:12
Hope deferred maketh the heart sick:
but [when] the desire cometh, [it is] a tree of life.
It boggles my mind, and frightens me just
a bit, to recognize how God hears, and listens
to our every prayer, and hears each word.
God has never given up on me. My heart
sickness has been like morning sickness,
only to give birth to my one desire
Nothing in this world will last forever,
but, God will never die, nor will His words
and promises fail.
How can He know what's best for us
when we don't even know what to even
ask for?
But, He created us, and the hairs of our head
are numbered, so, accepting this omnipotent
Force as being intimately connected to our
every breath, is both terrifying and comforting
beyond words.
All I know is that I cannot deny the power of
God in my life. Not all prayers are answered
so quickly as the Caylee Anthony request.
In the case of John and me, it took five
years for fruition. Each time a prayer is
answered, it fortifies my faith, and encourages
me to pray without ceasing, understanding
that every thought is channeled to God.
It's hard to filter my bad language, let alone
my every stray thought, but, it is a sobering
reality to recognize how we are never truly
alone. Thanks be to the Lord that He is
as merciful as He is, because, otherwise,
what hope would we have, as human
beings living in a world filled with
distractions, filth and degradation?
John said last night that he wants so
badly to be perfect. I long for this as
well! Like him, I want to do good, to
hug the world, to change someone's
life for the better, to pay it forward
and encourage others. However, there
is not a 24 hour period when there's
not one transgression. Maybe I am
asked a question and shade my
response, or think unkindly about
someone in my path. It doesn't
matter, having cognizance of God
means that we desire perfection.
Everything is backwards, and particularly
in our era, things like porn and violence,
greed and hedonism, are constantly
pumped into our heads by television,
music and movies. This conditioning
and defiling influence certainly
doesn't help our walk.
Paul describes Satan as "The power of the air"
and it is an extraordinary term that has
taken us to new levels of comprehension.
Whereas in the past, the brethren could
only understand this phrase in allegory.
For us, I believe, it is literal, possibly
referring to the airwaves, and the demonic
influences and filth that is transmitted.
Of course, not all television, movies and music
is evil... but, it is a very powerful medium,
and those who control it are very often
Ephesians 2:2 reveals the source of this
medium for our generation:
Exousia is a term that generally applies
to supreme power, (authority) and is often
used with Christ, whose (exousia) authority
is from God. By contrast, this reference is
the counterpart: the Antichrist.
Thank you Father, in Christ's Name, for your
constant reminders of how true you are,
and for your Name's sake, how you will
not leave us, abandon us, or stop completing
the work in Christ appointed by your mercy
and grace in our lives.
about little Caylee Anthony.
On Saturday=
I beseeched the Lord to provide the searchers
with grace to find evidence, and to locate her
body...While watching Nancy Grace, they
were discussing how the Equasearch team
found a little girl's dress, one that the
child was actually pictured wearing!
If it's true, it's HUGE! It was found in a
region of triangulation from Casey's cell
phone, near a wooded swampy area
near the airport. It is believed it is where
she buried the child. It was during her
call signalling that she was in this region,
that she told her friend Amy how
the horrifying "dead smell in her car,
(she claimed were from a squished squirrel
on the bottom grill) was gone" ...
She cold-heartedly said: "The smell
is finally gone.. I scraped off the dead squirrel."
Thank you merciful God for allowing
the case to proceed with mounting
circumstantial evidence. Today, the
grand jury meets. I ask that you allow
those enpaneled to have wisdom and
insight into this horrendous homicide.
I pray that Casey is brought to justice.
I pray that George Anthony, her dad,
who seems to have a conscience, to
speak honestly, only thinking of his
grand daughter, without regarding the
tight reign of terror from Casey and
his wife, Cindy.
Thank you Father, in Jesus' Name, for
answering part of this prayer within
such a short time.
I have to thank the Lord for the magnificent
work He's done in John's life! It is an
understatement to say how awed I am
by his full conversion and depth of
character and grace. He has become
so Christ-like. To watch his transformation
is something that has blessed me beyond
all comprehension.
It has been an incredible journey to see
the full sum of my longing and loneliness
burst into a fully blooming plant. All the
countless tears and prayers, even contrition
for loving someone so much, has not been
in vain. Instead, I am overwhelmed with
the mercy of how God revealed His kindness.
To hear John praise Jesus and talk about
the Holy Spirit indwelling him actually makes
me cry. We were both backslidden when we
were together, and apart, we both reunited
with Christ, and then the Lord put us back
in eachother's hearts again.
I had been resigned to finish my sojourn
in celibate devotion to the Lord, grateful
for this great commission, and opportunity
to devote my heart to Him. But, the
Lord is faithful to exceed our own desires.
He states to seek the Kingdom of God,
and he will give us all things!
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. |
How can I measure the depth and breadth
of God's mercy and love? If I could understand
the infinite universe, maybe I could then
grasp the heart of God, and how His righteousness
is attainable to all who yearn for it.
Even my broken heart was useful in
magnifying God's beauty. It says in
Pro 13:12
Hope deferred maketh the heart sick:
but [when] the desire cometh, [it is] a tree of life.
It boggles my mind, and frightens me just
a bit, to recognize how God hears, and listens
to our every prayer, and hears each word.
God has never given up on me. My heart
sickness has been like morning sickness,
only to give birth to my one desire
Nothing in this world will last forever,
but, God will never die, nor will His words
and promises fail.
How can He know what's best for us
when we don't even know what to even
ask for?
But, He created us, and the hairs of our head
are numbered, so, accepting this omnipotent
Force as being intimately connected to our
every breath, is both terrifying and comforting
beyond words.
All I know is that I cannot deny the power of
God in my life. Not all prayers are answered
so quickly as the Caylee Anthony request.
In the case of John and me, it took five
years for fruition. Each time a prayer is
answered, it fortifies my faith, and encourages
me to pray without ceasing, understanding
that every thought is channeled to God.
It's hard to filter my bad language, let alone
my every stray thought, but, it is a sobering
reality to recognize how we are never truly
alone. Thanks be to the Lord that He is
as merciful as He is, because, otherwise,
what hope would we have, as human
beings living in a world filled with
distractions, filth and degradation?
John said last night that he wants so
badly to be perfect. I long for this as
well! Like him, I want to do good, to
hug the world, to change someone's
life for the better, to pay it forward
and encourage others. However, there
is not a 24 hour period when there's
not one transgression. Maybe I am
asked a question and shade my
response, or think unkindly about
someone in my path. It doesn't
matter, having cognizance of God
means that we desire perfection.
Everything is backwards, and particularly
in our era, things like porn and violence,
greed and hedonism, are constantly
pumped into our heads by television,
music and movies. This conditioning
and defiling influence certainly
doesn't help our walk.
Paul describes Satan as "The power of the air"
and it is an extraordinary term that has
taken us to new levels of comprehension.
Whereas in the past, the brethren could
only understand this phrase in allegory.
For us, I believe, it is literal, possibly
referring to the airwaves, and the demonic
influences and filth that is transmitted.
Of course, not all television, movies and music
is evil... but, it is a very powerful medium,
and those who control it are very often
Ephesians 2:2 reveals the source of this
medium for our generation:
Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: |
of the power | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
of the air, | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Exousia is a term that generally applies
to supreme power, (authority) and is often
used with Christ, whose (exousia) authority
is from God. By contrast, this reference is
the counterpart: the Antichrist.
Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. |
But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, |
Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) |
And hath raised [us] up together, and made [us] sit together in heavenly [places] in Christ Jesus: |
That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in [his] kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. |
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: |
Not of works, lest any man should boast. |
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. |
Thank you Father, in Christ's Name, for your
constant reminders of how true you are,
and for your Name's sake, how you will
not leave us, abandon us, or stop completing
the work in Christ appointed by your mercy
and grace in our lives.
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