Rosh Hashanah is the first and second days of the first Jewish month of Tishrei. It marks the beginning of the Jewish new year. The celebration of this holiday is marked with solemnity, as it is the day on which the whole world is judged for the coming year. Rosh Hashanah is the birthday of the world, as it was on this day that G-d created Man on the 6th day of creation. Every year, on this day, we proclaim G-d as our one and true King.
Studying the Biblical Sabbaths can be extremely enlightening and mystical.
When I was much younger, and craved intense mysticism as an escape from a world I wanted to transform above, I sought this light in everything from the Cabala to Sacred Geometry and Jungian symbolism. There was nothing off limits then, but, I eventually stumbled down a rabbit hole and ingested poison that nearly ended my life, metaphorically and in reality.
In craving to see spirits, I sought demons, and saw them. Inviting them into my mind caused torment and pain so intense that I almost ended my life to escape the confusion and horror.
When I was literally saved by Jesus Christ, in a salvation story that was as radical as they get, I was blessed, early on, to experience mystical moments that built the foundation of my unshakable faith. The dark spirits that I had summoned were no match for the boundless light and happiness that I was given.
But, as years pass, these mystical revelations and passages become less sensational, and they fade into the mundane pace of ordinary existence. There's getting up early, shaking off fatigue, working hard, dealing with people, dealing with frustration, and once you marry and become part of someone Else's life, it dilutes the bond you have with the Kingdom of God, unless you are married to someone as intense as you desire to be, yourself.
In my case, for some inexplicable and self-destructive reason, I chose a dark soul to love. The marriage didn't last, and I was not eager to marry again. Once again, I could pursue the mystical marriage I longed for by devoting my body and soul to Christ. But, this is not an easy path.
I was recently asked why I never had children, and I truthfully asked the LORD to provide for me the best environment for my continuation in the realm I desire to belong to for eternity, without the encumbrances of worldly obligations, such as children, unless it was his will.
My family is distressed that I don't date, even though I was engaged, and technically, still love and plan to marry my fiance. John and I are best friends and true soul mates, and we came to the conclusion that we have longer than this life to accomplish our partnership. He doesn't live in Florida anymore, but, in Illinois. He hates Florida, and I don't love Illinois.
I gave it to God to provide the right path for us. Just like sacrificing children, I don't want to make more mistakes that will take my heart away from full devotion to Christ.
When I was a child, I found it romantic to be a nun, and while I am not inclined to endorse the Roman Catholic religion, it's strange that many of my brothers have chosen to remain celibate as a way to disengage from the world's hold on our bodies and minds.
I don't want to appear as "holier than thou" at all, because, for me, the choice was imperative because I was so dark and demonic due to a desire to see beyond this veil into the unknown and was given a ticket with the devil for a spell.
Now, I have great concerns to avoid the snares, since i am weak. Even my choice of husband was someone who had an Arabic last name which translated meant "Lucifer." He was as far from Christ as it got, and like many women, I'm seduced by the darkness of sensuality and forbidden fruit. I'm Eve's daughter.
Because of my history, this time of year is important, because, it means having a chance to purge the toxins of the world that I couldn't resist, and repent, for real. It gives me an opportunity to recognize God's eternal goodness and mercy to all those who want redemption and wisdom. That's all I want from this life. Nothing else.
The only love I want in the end, is the love of Christ. I realize I am sacrificing many opportunities for transient pleasure and comfort in this life, but, the rewards I get are indescribably worth it, even in the harsh sacrifices made for me to get there.
This is my "CHRISTMAS" season. This is when Christ came into the world, the same season that Man was created by Him. This is reassuring to see that man was created to fellowship with God, and to be part of his eternal Kingdom.
People crack me up arguing evolution vs. Creation. If they actually read Genesis in context, they'd see that Darwin's insight was based on the "Days" of Genesis. A Biblical "Day" can be anything from 24 hours to a thousand years, or in Genesis, billions and billions of years, if not trillions or more, from the creation of the universe to the planet Earth, then the stages of animal and plant development.
Darwin was a man of faith, and did not desire to be used to challenge the Bible. Science, if used and interpreted honestly, validates the Bible.
I'd like to expound this at another time, because I had a revelation that was stunning, the other day. In fact, I've been having revelations, in alarming ways, almost like my first days as a fledgling disciple. Instead of seeing angels, I've been seeing things in my mind take shape, and in dreams, that fill me with sheer ecstasy.
I waffle on this post because I want to express the cosmic waves of how prophecy and enlightenment affect me as an individual. I feel like I am tripping, on a raft afloat on a sea of exploration, both backwards and forwards at once. The Time/Space boundaries disappear, and I join an ethereal dimension.
Join me this blessed season on the ride of your soul's life. Take the season seriously and study diligently, but, most importantly pray constantly, and listen for the response, and look to the light in your mind's eye to see answers to things you never thought you'd understand.
The most important gift of this holy season is love. This is the real Christmas, so treat your fellow man with the love of Christ, and love Christ and God with all your heart, soul and mind.
In Jesus' Name, I pray that all who seek peace will find the Prince of Peace, and that the joy of Christ washes away the film of filthy pollution from this dying world.
A NEW WORLD is coming down.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The Demagoguery Of A SNAKE
Obama-nation, our feckless leader, is like a dog with a new bone, using his progressive uber-lord ally, Warren Buffet, to coin an Obama-ism to stand with the heinous "Obamacare", the end of democracy and health care in the USA. He calls this philosophy "Buffet Tax" something or other, since, he claims that Buffet pays less taxes than his secretary.
My blood pressure cannot take listening to this moron any longer, and it is distressing to believe that sheep will follow this demagogue into the abyss. It's not that I'm all for billionaires not paying their fair share, but, let's be real.
Warren Buffet donates hundreds of millions of dollars to charity each year, and his wealth generates prosperity, jobs, and a healthy economic atmosphere for those around him. The reason he pays less taxes is that he pays his share in charities, business matters, and has bigger deductions. These trade-offs are valid, and have supported a healthy capitalism for two hundred years.
Let's not even speak of the third richest man on the planet, shall we? Let's talk about the common millionaire, who has a net worth of a few million. Their tax base is high, not low.
Where a middle-class family would be in the 1/3 range, theirs is in the 40% range. To encourage those with money to spend it, the govt rewards those who have businesses who employ, buy homes, give to charities. If these people end up paying less taxes, that doesn't mean that they are not patriotic, or are harming the economy. They ARE the stable pillars who are support walls for our structure.
If you create a bogus redistribution of wealth based on global progressive agendas, and take the wealth away from those with a million dollars in assets, they will spend less, expand businesses less, stop donating to causes, stop shopping, and it will lead to the slippery slope of total collapse.
This idiot messiah in charge gave away billions of dollars to General Motors, along with many other private corporations. Let's focus on GM. What did they do with their relief? Did they tighten up their pork and waste, increase product efficiency, reduce cost to consumers, or implement any other modification to prevent their future collapse?
It's rhetorical. They stopped debating with the most ball-breaking union in history, and let the relatively minimally skilled factory workers keep their 56 bucks an HOUR BASE PAY, and just approved a 5000 dollar sign on fee, not for new recruits, but, applicable to every employee in their fleet. How cool would that be for everyone else to get 5000 bucks from the taxpayers, without any accountability?
My guy works in Illinois, and his company's business is getting a govt incentive check to hire on employees that they don't even need. That means they will have less productivity, and it's all a smokescreen, to boost the rotten leader's election agenda, with a false system of temporary employment, and nothing else.
Are we effing mad to tolerate this?
In a terrifyingly short time, Obamacare will destroy our health care system. They will add tens of millions of people into a system that will not be able to respond with a reasonable corresponding staff of doctors, hospitals, clinics, and treatment options.
That means that, like in the hellish UK, we'll hear about "Death Panels", and anyone over 65 may not be eligible for cancer treatment, heart surgery, etc. In England, the govt has recommended that it stop wasting money on cancer patient's medicine, since it won't cure certain cancers and they will die anyway.
We all will die anyway, but, if a cancer drug can give a mom, someone's grandpa, or brother, a few more years, what's the cost have to do with long term survival? It's all part of a huge more widespread plan to deal with humanity like a slaughterhouse, with Mengele- like practitioners prepared to point right or left.
The devil is the father of lies, and Obama may not be the devil or messiah, but, he has proven which side his bread is buttered on. He is a liar, and transparent.
If you criticize him, you're called a racist. That's clever of the devil to install that system, huh? Yet, if Harold Cain becomes the candidate, as a full African-American, not some half black, the progressives will call him an Uncle Tom, no doubt, just like they maligned Condoleeza Rice, probably the most dignified and accomplished African-American woman in the world, who was self-made and awesome! The things she was called were racist and disgraceful, but, I'm a racist for loving her and hating the half-breed, who has a forked tongue and lying words.
I pray more people will wake up before it's too late for them.
It's the end, either way, but, it's better to go out honorably, than join with pure evil. Whose side do you want to be seen as belonging to when the BrideGROOM arrives WITH TICKETS TO RIDE? DO YOU CARE?
My blood pressure cannot take listening to this moron any longer, and it is distressing to believe that sheep will follow this demagogue into the abyss. It's not that I'm all for billionaires not paying their fair share, but, let's be real.
Warren Buffet donates hundreds of millions of dollars to charity each year, and his wealth generates prosperity, jobs, and a healthy economic atmosphere for those around him. The reason he pays less taxes is that he pays his share in charities, business matters, and has bigger deductions. These trade-offs are valid, and have supported a healthy capitalism for two hundred years.
Let's not even speak of the third richest man on the planet, shall we? Let's talk about the common millionaire, who has a net worth of a few million. Their tax base is high, not low.
Where a middle-class family would be in the 1/3 range, theirs is in the 40% range. To encourage those with money to spend it, the govt rewards those who have businesses who employ, buy homes, give to charities. If these people end up paying less taxes, that doesn't mean that they are not patriotic, or are harming the economy. They ARE the stable pillars who are support walls for our structure.
If you create a bogus redistribution of wealth based on global progressive agendas, and take the wealth away from those with a million dollars in assets, they will spend less, expand businesses less, stop donating to causes, stop shopping, and it will lead to the slippery slope of total collapse.
This idiot messiah in charge gave away billions of dollars to General Motors, along with many other private corporations. Let's focus on GM. What did they do with their relief? Did they tighten up their pork and waste, increase product efficiency, reduce cost to consumers, or implement any other modification to prevent their future collapse?
It's rhetorical. They stopped debating with the most ball-breaking union in history, and let the relatively minimally skilled factory workers keep their 56 bucks an HOUR BASE PAY, and just approved a 5000 dollar sign on fee, not for new recruits, but, applicable to every employee in their fleet. How cool would that be for everyone else to get 5000 bucks from the taxpayers, without any accountability?
My guy works in Illinois, and his company's business is getting a govt incentive check to hire on employees that they don't even need. That means they will have less productivity, and it's all a smokescreen, to boost the rotten leader's election agenda, with a false system of temporary employment, and nothing else.
Are we effing mad to tolerate this?
In a terrifyingly short time, Obamacare will destroy our health care system. They will add tens of millions of people into a system that will not be able to respond with a reasonable corresponding staff of doctors, hospitals, clinics, and treatment options.
That means that, like in the hellish UK, we'll hear about "Death Panels", and anyone over 65 may not be eligible for cancer treatment, heart surgery, etc. In England, the govt has recommended that it stop wasting money on cancer patient's medicine, since it won't cure certain cancers and they will die anyway.
We all will die anyway, but, if a cancer drug can give a mom, someone's grandpa, or brother, a few more years, what's the cost have to do with long term survival? It's all part of a huge more widespread plan to deal with humanity like a slaughterhouse, with Mengele- like practitioners prepared to point right or left.
The devil is the father of lies, and Obama may not be the devil or messiah, but, he has proven which side his bread is buttered on. He is a liar, and transparent.
If you criticize him, you're called a racist. That's clever of the devil to install that system, huh? Yet, if Harold Cain becomes the candidate, as a full African-American, not some half black, the progressives will call him an Uncle Tom, no doubt, just like they maligned Condoleeza Rice, probably the most dignified and accomplished African-American woman in the world, who was self-made and awesome! The things she was called were racist and disgraceful, but, I'm a racist for loving her and hating the half-breed, who has a forked tongue and lying words.
I pray more people will wake up before it's too late for them.
It's the end, either way, but, it's better to go out honorably, than join with pure evil. Whose side do you want to be seen as belonging to when the BrideGROOM arrives WITH TICKETS TO RIDE? DO YOU CARE?
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Tale of Two "REAL" Housewives
I occasionally watch Bravo's "Real Housewives" series, although, I don't know why. Virtually none of the characters possess virtues which I consider worth watching, but, maybe for that reason, I'm drawn, like a moth to a light.
I have noticed, and it's my view, that nothing about these people is real. Maybe most of them have more money, but, not necessarily true. We've learned that in the case of the Jersey crew, Theresa and Joe, owe over 11 million dollars.
In Atlanta, Nene and hubby owed a fortune, and in the case of the Armstrongs, it was virtually all smoke and mirrors, concerning money.
Taylor Armstrong is a fascinating study of our culture. From a small town girl, born Shannon Something, she transformed herself into a glamorous Taylor, with an original already beautiful face and body, which she ended up mutilating by indulging in absoltuely grotesquely hideous lip implants, and starvation to the point of looking like a concentration camp survivor. It's weird that once a corn-fed true beauty, she found this latter look more desirable, and was willing to spend money to achieve the look she now is stuck with, which makes her a laughingstock. Everyone I know who watches the show, or sees her for the first time remarks on what a shame it is to see some female Michael Jackson, in the throes of severe BDD, and willing to destroy their looks.
There is none so blind as those who will not see. Phil McGraw, Dr. Phil, tried to orient her to the original Shannon, the one so gorgeous and natural, and how she's buried her, but, she just stared blinking, without a drop of insight, like a deer in headlights. This is one sick chick who is a permanent casualty of life in the fast line.
What is the greater tragedy is that she is raising a child. That is trauma-building behavior that she exudes, and no one can miss foretelling the tragic future of this child, who doesn't stand a chance, between this lost woman, her suicide dad, and the reality show with the values of Caligula's Rome, documenting her childhood in this swamp of sin and plasticity.
Her husband Russ, hung himself before the latest season of shows, and she went from a ditzy, but, ostensibly carefree socialite, last season, to a deeply disturbed character this season, even before Russell's death.
She has now gone on a media blitz, carpe diem, exploiting it all, claiming she was a battered wife, and this explains her bizarre meltdown. Within days of his burial, she exploited a photo of herself with a black eye, which she claims was the result of a fractured orbital, which he inflicted. Maybe he did, but, it is disturbing to know that she profited to the tune of half a million dollars for this tragic revelation.
I have a feeling he left her so broke and in debt, that she felt she had no choice but to use this opportunity to make money, and even restore her image by using sympathy. Still, it leaves a bad taste in our mouths, because, it's exploitation at it's worst. Even if he was abusive, it was too soon to air this dirty laundry, considering how his family is reeling.
I also have a feeling that it's not necessarily true. He may have been emotionally abusive, and finally snapped due to pressures and socked her, but, why sell those pictures and do a promotional tour, using the most private revelations to shock and have no sympathy for his other kids, let alone her own young daughter? This was their dad. This was a brother and son. If she found it hard to leave him while she was married to him, why out him now that he has no voice to defend himself? Why not let this be a private matter?
She even has gone so far as to dramatize the fact that if he didn't kill himself, he most likely would have murdered her?
I lost a lot of respect for Dr. Phil this week, first by letting that lying Cindy Anthony have an audience for her sickeningly perverse take on the death of her grandchild, to letting Taylor get away with the things she said, or even giving her legitimacy by acting like it was a grief counseling session.
It's all fake.
It's as fake as the Salahis, the cast members of the Washington housewife crew, who became infamous for crashing the White House. Allegedly, Mikaile, born Michelle, left Tareq, to return to her one true love, a washed up guitarist from the 80s power band, Journey.
Now, Tareq is hooked up with some happy hooker from NY, and they all want reality shows.
It's pretty obvious that it was all a stunt since the Washington show was not picked up for another season, having the most unlikeable characters out of all of the locations, except for Stacy and her husband, who would have been dropped because they were far too decent.
Reality TV is anything but real. That doesn't surprise us, but, the extremes these desperate people go to is real sad.
Still, we tune in, and millions of teens have aspirations to become a reality star. It's strange times.
Thank God it won't last much longer.
I have noticed, and it's my view, that nothing about these people is real. Maybe most of them have more money, but, not necessarily true. We've learned that in the case of the Jersey crew, Theresa and Joe, owe over 11 million dollars.
In Atlanta, Nene and hubby owed a fortune, and in the case of the Armstrongs, it was virtually all smoke and mirrors, concerning money.
Taylor Armstrong is a fascinating study of our culture. From a small town girl, born Shannon Something, she transformed herself into a glamorous Taylor, with an original already beautiful face and body, which she ended up mutilating by indulging in absoltuely grotesquely hideous lip implants, and starvation to the point of looking like a concentration camp survivor. It's weird that once a corn-fed true beauty, she found this latter look more desirable, and was willing to spend money to achieve the look she now is stuck with, which makes her a laughingstock. Everyone I know who watches the show, or sees her for the first time remarks on what a shame it is to see some female Michael Jackson, in the throes of severe BDD, and willing to destroy their looks.
There is none so blind as those who will not see. Phil McGraw, Dr. Phil, tried to orient her to the original Shannon, the one so gorgeous and natural, and how she's buried her, but, she just stared blinking, without a drop of insight, like a deer in headlights. This is one sick chick who is a permanent casualty of life in the fast line.
What is the greater tragedy is that she is raising a child. That is trauma-building behavior that she exudes, and no one can miss foretelling the tragic future of this child, who doesn't stand a chance, between this lost woman, her suicide dad, and the reality show with the values of Caligula's Rome, documenting her childhood in this swamp of sin and plasticity.
Her husband Russ, hung himself before the latest season of shows, and she went from a ditzy, but, ostensibly carefree socialite, last season, to a deeply disturbed character this season, even before Russell's death.
She has now gone on a media blitz, carpe diem, exploiting it all, claiming she was a battered wife, and this explains her bizarre meltdown. Within days of his burial, she exploited a photo of herself with a black eye, which she claims was the result of a fractured orbital, which he inflicted. Maybe he did, but, it is disturbing to know that she profited to the tune of half a million dollars for this tragic revelation.
I have a feeling he left her so broke and in debt, that she felt she had no choice but to use this opportunity to make money, and even restore her image by using sympathy. Still, it leaves a bad taste in our mouths, because, it's exploitation at it's worst. Even if he was abusive, it was too soon to air this dirty laundry, considering how his family is reeling.
I also have a feeling that it's not necessarily true. He may have been emotionally abusive, and finally snapped due to pressures and socked her, but, why sell those pictures and do a promotional tour, using the most private revelations to shock and have no sympathy for his other kids, let alone her own young daughter? This was their dad. This was a brother and son. If she found it hard to leave him while she was married to him, why out him now that he has no voice to defend himself? Why not let this be a private matter?
She even has gone so far as to dramatize the fact that if he didn't kill himself, he most likely would have murdered her?
I lost a lot of respect for Dr. Phil this week, first by letting that lying Cindy Anthony have an audience for her sickeningly perverse take on the death of her grandchild, to letting Taylor get away with the things she said, or even giving her legitimacy by acting like it was a grief counseling session.
It's all fake.
It's as fake as the Salahis, the cast members of the Washington housewife crew, who became infamous for crashing the White House. Allegedly, Mikaile, born Michelle, left Tareq, to return to her one true love, a washed up guitarist from the 80s power band, Journey.
Now, Tareq is hooked up with some happy hooker from NY, and they all want reality shows.
It's pretty obvious that it was all a stunt since the Washington show was not picked up for another season, having the most unlikeable characters out of all of the locations, except for Stacy and her husband, who would have been dropped because they were far too decent.
Reality TV is anything but real. That doesn't surprise us, but, the extremes these desperate people go to is real sad.
Still, we tune in, and millions of teens have aspirations to become a reality star. It's strange times.
Thank God it won't last much longer.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The Downside of Florida: Snakes and Heat
Five days ago, my air-conditioning unit died. The urgency to obtain a new system is a matter of life and death, but, the soonest it could be replaced was today. My hair has not been dry for five days, my skin feels like it is going through jungle rot, and my poor cats are lying like dead boards on glass surfaces giving me hateful looks.
As if I wasn't already fatally irritable, my neighbor knocked on my door and told me a SNAKE was trying to get in my car?!!!!! Yes, a S.N.A.K.E. A real snake.
I ran downstairs and he reluctantly joined me, reminding me that I didn't bring anything to kill him with. The thought was as alien to me as killing a baby. Why would I kill him, even though it's a snake?
So, he's filling me in on the details, how the snake was crawling up my tires and entering my car. He was concerned because earlier last week a guy had an accident when a snake appeared in his car. Makes sense. If you don't have a heart attack, an accident is a probable event.
When I got to my car, the snake was back on the ground, by the rear tire. In my mind, I was imagining a python, since invasive killer pythons are taking over the Everglades. People had them as pets, and when they grew too big, let them go in the Glades. They mated with indigenous species to produce a monstrously menacing new python population.
My cousins in Boca opened their garage to find to huge pythons standing straight up in defensive stance. I'm sorry, but, I would have never gone back to that house again.
The snake by my car was no python, but, there are poisonous snakes that live by the water, and I live on a canal. I grabbed a towel from my car and threw it over the critter, with the intent on moving him back to the canal, but, the thing broke apart!
Like lizards, when threatened, it turns out that some snakes shed their tails. What was mind-boggling was that when it broke off, it had moving cells, and flopped around like a fish out of water. It scared me to death until I realized what was happening.
I tried to tell the snake that I was trying to save him, not kill him, but, obviously the poor creature was more scared of me than I was of him, and I can't begin to describe the adrenalin shooting through my veins. I picked him up again, and another piece of tail popped off, flopping around in a grotesque charade. I both marvelled at nature's defense maneuvers and cringed at the weirdness.
That little guy lost literally half his size, shedding segments every time I grabbed him. What astounded me was how strong he was. I could not get a grip on him, and my neighbor was just standing there trying to be a man, but, obviously scared of the snake.
I finally got him to a grassy knoll area near the canal, and I felt sorry for the little snake. He seemed so traumatized.
I couldn't shake the cringe-worthy repulsion of touching and seeing this creature fall apart before my eyes.
The only thing worse than keeping a snake out of your car and trying to save it's life is going back upstairs to a home with no air-conditioner, and the thermostat was up to 95.
It's been a rotten five days.
As if I wasn't already fatally irritable, my neighbor knocked on my door and told me a SNAKE was trying to get in my car?!!!!! Yes, a S.N.A.K.E. A real snake.
I ran downstairs and he reluctantly joined me, reminding me that I didn't bring anything to kill him with. The thought was as alien to me as killing a baby. Why would I kill him, even though it's a snake?
So, he's filling me in on the details, how the snake was crawling up my tires and entering my car. He was concerned because earlier last week a guy had an accident when a snake appeared in his car. Makes sense. If you don't have a heart attack, an accident is a probable event.
When I got to my car, the snake was back on the ground, by the rear tire. In my mind, I was imagining a python, since invasive killer pythons are taking over the Everglades. People had them as pets, and when they grew too big, let them go in the Glades. They mated with indigenous species to produce a monstrously menacing new python population.
My cousins in Boca opened their garage to find to huge pythons standing straight up in defensive stance. I'm sorry, but, I would have never gone back to that house again.
The snake by my car was no python, but, there are poisonous snakes that live by the water, and I live on a canal. I grabbed a towel from my car and threw it over the critter, with the intent on moving him back to the canal, but, the thing broke apart!
Like lizards, when threatened, it turns out that some snakes shed their tails. What was mind-boggling was that when it broke off, it had moving cells, and flopped around like a fish out of water. It scared me to death until I realized what was happening.
I tried to tell the snake that I was trying to save him, not kill him, but, obviously the poor creature was more scared of me than I was of him, and I can't begin to describe the adrenalin shooting through my veins. I picked him up again, and another piece of tail popped off, flopping around in a grotesque charade. I both marvelled at nature's defense maneuvers and cringed at the weirdness.
That little guy lost literally half his size, shedding segments every time I grabbed him. What astounded me was how strong he was. I could not get a grip on him, and my neighbor was just standing there trying to be a man, but, obviously scared of the snake.
I finally got him to a grassy knoll area near the canal, and I felt sorry for the little snake. He seemed so traumatized.
I couldn't shake the cringe-worthy repulsion of touching and seeing this creature fall apart before my eyes.
The only thing worse than keeping a snake out of your car and trying to save it's life is going back upstairs to a home with no air-conditioner, and the thermostat was up to 95.
It's been a rotten five days.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
I can't take it anymore. After I thought the nightmare was over, and lying Cindy Anthony got all her deceitful damage control agenda out, Phil has been advertising even more shows with this horrific horrible horror of a mother and grandmother.
I have prayed to the LORD and now I am pleading with Dr. Phil. Please Phil, I importune you, and beckon to your sense of fairness, based on all the decency and ethical cells in your body, to reject this nasty and wicked liar's attempts to utilize the media for her own selfish and greedy gains.
It is adding insult to grievous injury, and it exacerbates the frustrating disbelief in our system, to see how cruelly justice abandoned a child that the world fell in love with, but, was never granted a fair shake in life. What chance did she have with that nightmare of a lying grandmother, and that psychopathic murderous mother?
We all know that Casey Anthony murdered that baby. At least George acknowledges that he believes the monster drugged the child in order to party, (I don't believe it for a second- I think she viciously and savagely suffocated her to death with the duct tape wrapped around her skull three deep.) Cindy now claims, oh no, the baby drowned while the psychopath had a seizure. (EYE ROLL)
Phil, I can't tell you how much anguish it causes the public to see these people parade their evil shamelessly, and try to sell snake oil to a sophisticated audience who know every nuance of the crime. WE HATE THESE PEOPLE!
I don't hate George, but, he disgusts me because he stays with that miserable and lying hag who raised a psycho-killer and taught her to get away with just about any lie, even murder, grand theft, deceit at any price and have an attitude about it.
PLEASE LEAVE HER GEORGE! You still have some life left in you, and I believe you still have a drop of human blood circulating in that body that has to live in that nest of horror.
There is NO HOPE for Cindy, Dr. Phil, and please have compassion on the public and don't give her the opportunity to lie with impunity and callousness, which eerily explains the actions of her psychopathic dangerous daughter.
It's bad enough that justice failed a little murdered kid, and her own grandparents don't care, but, for a man of principles to perpetuate the travesty is unfair.
Please Father God, deal with these people in your wisdom and great plan. Whatever the reason for justice to fail that baby, please don't allow these wicked people to flaunt this crime in front of the world any longer. I pray for justice that can only come from YOU, since there was no one on the jury who cared, and no one on the jury who had a normal brain and intentions. 12 bad people met their match in one of the worst people on the planet.
WHY IS EVIL ALLOWED TO FLOURISH? Why is someone like Dr. Phil allowing this lying evil woman to spit at the American public, mocking the very murder of an innocent child.
I ask you to remove this obstacle to justice and truth, in the NAME of Jesus Christ. Forgive me Lord for hating her the way i do.
I have prayed to the LORD and now I am pleading with Dr. Phil. Please Phil, I importune you, and beckon to your sense of fairness, based on all the decency and ethical cells in your body, to reject this nasty and wicked liar's attempts to utilize the media for her own selfish and greedy gains.
It is adding insult to grievous injury, and it exacerbates the frustrating disbelief in our system, to see how cruelly justice abandoned a child that the world fell in love with, but, was never granted a fair shake in life. What chance did she have with that nightmare of a lying grandmother, and that psychopathic murderous mother?
We all know that Casey Anthony murdered that baby. At least George acknowledges that he believes the monster drugged the child in order to party, (I don't believe it for a second- I think she viciously and savagely suffocated her to death with the duct tape wrapped around her skull three deep.) Cindy now claims, oh no, the baby drowned while the psychopath had a seizure. (EYE ROLL)
Phil, I can't tell you how much anguish it causes the public to see these people parade their evil shamelessly, and try to sell snake oil to a sophisticated audience who know every nuance of the crime. WE HATE THESE PEOPLE!
I don't hate George, but, he disgusts me because he stays with that miserable and lying hag who raised a psycho-killer and taught her to get away with just about any lie, even murder, grand theft, deceit at any price and have an attitude about it.
PLEASE LEAVE HER GEORGE! You still have some life left in you, and I believe you still have a drop of human blood circulating in that body that has to live in that nest of horror.
There is NO HOPE for Cindy, Dr. Phil, and please have compassion on the public and don't give her the opportunity to lie with impunity and callousness, which eerily explains the actions of her psychopathic dangerous daughter.
It's bad enough that justice failed a little murdered kid, and her own grandparents don't care, but, for a man of principles to perpetuate the travesty is unfair.
Please Father God, deal with these people in your wisdom and great plan. Whatever the reason for justice to fail that baby, please don't allow these wicked people to flaunt this crime in front of the world any longer. I pray for justice that can only come from YOU, since there was no one on the jury who cared, and no one on the jury who had a normal brain and intentions. 12 bad people met their match in one of the worst people on the planet.
WHY IS EVIL ALLOWED TO FLOURISH? Why is someone like Dr. Phil allowing this lying evil woman to spit at the American public, mocking the very murder of an innocent child.
I ask you to remove this obstacle to justice and truth, in the NAME of Jesus Christ. Forgive me Lord for hating her the way i do.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Like most people who have followed the case of Casey Anthony, I maintain the belief that Casey got away with murder, and am utterly disillusioned in the jury system for high profile cases. In order to get 12 people to serve, they needed to find those who had no real interest in the case, or didn't form an opinion. Considering that this was such a sensational trial, they had to find 12 people who had no interest in the world around them, basically.
The chances are that the majority had heard of the case, well enough, but, were anxious to sit on the jury, and could be viewed as "stealth jurors." These days, it's not difficult to find 12 individuals with issues, who needed this experience to bolster their own sense of identity.
In any event, in my opinion, they were complete idiots. I watched the entire trial, and knew the case, so, it's not like they heard evidence that the public was not aware existed. They were simply jerks. They freed a psychopath, and there is no justice for a murdered child. There's no other way to look at it. The fact that Casey Anthony is the most hated human being in the Western world echoes that sentiment.
She would have been despised had justice prevailed, but, the reality of her going scott free, is truly a travesty.
Fortunately, I have faith that God's will is supreme, and that he has his own plan for Casey. This may mean that she is completely redeemed by grace, and turns her life around to honor God and her dead kid. Most likely, she'll meet with consequences later on in life, like Joran VanderSloot, or OJ.
It is what it is with Casey. What's most frustrating this week is the highly tauted George and Cindy Anthony interview on Dr. Phil. I respect Phil, and think he's the real deal. I believe he's a straight shooter, and doesn't suffer fools. However, he gave a platform for the most egregious lies and damage control spin of a very mentally unstable Cindy Anthony.
I haven't seen the interview yet, but, in teasers, she's been publicized to claim that Casey had epilepsy, like that would be a reason for her keeping her dead kid in her trunk and then tossing her away in garbage bags.
It's frustrating to see the continuing lies of the Anthonys. It's more than frustrating, it's infuriating. I suppose the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and Cindy has demonstrated the same ability to lie as her daughter.
At some point in the trial, my heart truly went out to the Anthonys. While I intellectually grasp that as a mother, she can't help but defend her daughter, no matter how bizarre her behavior was, or the consequences of her sick murderous act, it's too much.
I'm just tired of the Anthonys lies, and it puts them in the worst possible light, at a time when people would have sympathy for them. Instead, they appear as monstrous as their daughter, and it's a shame this fraud was perpetrated on Dr. Phil.
I pray that one day they will learn to tell the truth. I think they're otherwise normal people, but, there's an element of malice when people tell outrageous lies, because it assumes people are stupid.
The devil is marked not only as a murderer or fiend, but, the "Father of LIES."
TELL THE TRUTH CINDY! I want to reach through the screen and slap them. Actually, I don't want to see them again. I want them to go away, farrrrrrrr away.
When justice is deferred, it feels worse than heinous criminal behavior. I don't usually hate people who I don't know, but, I honestly hate them at this point. They're horrible, horrible people.
Everyone hates liars.
Concurrently, Mitch Winehouse is on a damage control tour to try to sanitize his dead daughter. My heart goes out to him, but, c'mon, she didn't have a seizure that killed her. She was drugged, whether on booze and prescription pills or crack. To paint it in any other way is insulting to the public, and damaging. It's a lie, Mitch. Give it up, or campaign for drug and alcohol education, letting Amy's death be a wakeup call for a lost generation in Britain, where the addiction to booze is beyond pandemic amongst the young.
I am starting to see a pattern, not that of good people defending lost kids, but, bad parents trying to save face for the acts of their indulgent and spoiled brat adult children.
There's a lesson to be learned from observing all of it. The first one is that everyone sees through a lie, and next, defending indefensible behavior is worse than lying.
The chances are that the majority had heard of the case, well enough, but, were anxious to sit on the jury, and could be viewed as "stealth jurors." These days, it's not difficult to find 12 individuals with issues, who needed this experience to bolster their own sense of identity.
In any event, in my opinion, they were complete idiots. I watched the entire trial, and knew the case, so, it's not like they heard evidence that the public was not aware existed. They were simply jerks. They freed a psychopath, and there is no justice for a murdered child. There's no other way to look at it. The fact that Casey Anthony is the most hated human being in the Western world echoes that sentiment.
She would have been despised had justice prevailed, but, the reality of her going scott free, is truly a travesty.
Fortunately, I have faith that God's will is supreme, and that he has his own plan for Casey. This may mean that she is completely redeemed by grace, and turns her life around to honor God and her dead kid. Most likely, she'll meet with consequences later on in life, like Joran VanderSloot, or OJ.
It is what it is with Casey. What's most frustrating this week is the highly tauted George and Cindy Anthony interview on Dr. Phil. I respect Phil, and think he's the real deal. I believe he's a straight shooter, and doesn't suffer fools. However, he gave a platform for the most egregious lies and damage control spin of a very mentally unstable Cindy Anthony.
I haven't seen the interview yet, but, in teasers, she's been publicized to claim that Casey had epilepsy, like that would be a reason for her keeping her dead kid in her trunk and then tossing her away in garbage bags.
It's frustrating to see the continuing lies of the Anthonys. It's more than frustrating, it's infuriating. I suppose the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and Cindy has demonstrated the same ability to lie as her daughter.
At some point in the trial, my heart truly went out to the Anthonys. While I intellectually grasp that as a mother, she can't help but defend her daughter, no matter how bizarre her behavior was, or the consequences of her sick murderous act, it's too much.
I'm just tired of the Anthonys lies, and it puts them in the worst possible light, at a time when people would have sympathy for them. Instead, they appear as monstrous as their daughter, and it's a shame this fraud was perpetrated on Dr. Phil.
I pray that one day they will learn to tell the truth. I think they're otherwise normal people, but, there's an element of malice when people tell outrageous lies, because it assumes people are stupid.
The devil is marked not only as a murderer or fiend, but, the "Father of LIES."
TELL THE TRUTH CINDY! I want to reach through the screen and slap them. Actually, I don't want to see them again. I want them to go away, farrrrrrrr away.
When justice is deferred, it feels worse than heinous criminal behavior. I don't usually hate people who I don't know, but, I honestly hate them at this point. They're horrible, horrible people.
Everyone hates liars.
Concurrently, Mitch Winehouse is on a damage control tour to try to sanitize his dead daughter. My heart goes out to him, but, c'mon, she didn't have a seizure that killed her. She was drugged, whether on booze and prescription pills or crack. To paint it in any other way is insulting to the public, and damaging. It's a lie, Mitch. Give it up, or campaign for drug and alcohol education, letting Amy's death be a wakeup call for a lost generation in Britain, where the addiction to booze is beyond pandemic amongst the young.
I am starting to see a pattern, not that of good people defending lost kids, but, bad parents trying to save face for the acts of their indulgent and spoiled brat adult children.
There's a lesson to be learned from observing all of it. The first one is that everyone sees through a lie, and next, defending indefensible behavior is worse than lying.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
The Fallen :9/11/11 Oh What a Fall
Many will find my morbid way to remember the tragedy appalling, but, for me, the deepest darkest depths of grief were realized while watching the innocents falling to escape the inferno. They are representative of this atrocity, and I feel like we need to watch the way they had their lives terminated, so, we never forget.
It is not to dishonor them, but, to experience, with them, the horror, although, we can never know the way they felt.
An hour before these images were captured, it was just another day, the beginning of a work day, with all it's mundane tasks and expectations. No one, in their darkest fears would ever conceptualize a fate that ended their lives in such a horrendous way.
It's become impersonal seeing the towers burn, the towers collapse, and the living survivors running in terror covered in ash. They are part of the story, but, these souls who have been sanitized from our memories, are the reality.
We live in an age where we put up warnings for anything that may offend. Well, maybe we need to be offended. Maybe it's time we force ourselves to see horror and terror at it's flesh and blood level. The mere fact that almost 3000 perished is not even enough to refresh our minds to the reality of a true enemy that has not abated.
Today, in the Palestinian territory of Israel and Egypt, there is growing animosity, yet again, over Israel's right to exist.
The USA naively celebrated Mubarak's demise, but, since their gov't began transitioning to an Islamic entity, there is increasingly more frightening rhetoric and violence towards Jews in Israel, the Israeli Embassy in Egypt, today in shambles, ending decades of a cautious alliance between neighboring states. No more.
Israel is becoming more and more isolated, and the feckless Commander-In-Chief, has more or less told them to jump, at least by his frigid inferences, not to mention, hateful indifference to their plight. He has exactly the opposite reaction to all who despise Israel, and it is heartbreaking to see the way he panders to the oil states, and anything Islamic and Antisemitic.
The year 2011 is even more ominous than 2001, in terms of actually seeing the writing on the wall for Israel, and hence, the globe and the fate of nations.
I see a blatantly Antisemitic and Anti-Christianity Israel-hating President, who I call, "Obama-nation", for his callous and cruel indifference to Israel's fate. Coupled with the transformation and transition of Zion's few formally neutral neighbors, like Egypt, into new Sharia-Islamified hegemonic Unions, like a cursed EU for the Middle East and Africa, the sound of the war drums is deafening and defeating. In a way, the part of me that is desperate for Christ's return, I am blissfully happy, but, it is not cheerful to perceive and understand the suffering of all who will be burned in the war to come.
The lions can hear the chants in the jungle, and the restless acolyte is sharpening their sickles and swords and AK47s.
The titular leader of the emerging Islamic Brotherhood gleefully boasts that he wants to live long enough to shoot Jews, even if that's from his wheel chair. This is the organization that our great leader is tacitly granting his approval towards, because, after all, Mubarak and dictators like Qaddafi are bad, so, anything is better.
Our government has sent Islamic rebels sophisticated weapons of warfare. Will they not use them against Israel, their avowed eternal enemy? The whole world will soon be burning. The people of the world, like the people in the towers, will be the victims of fanatic zealots in the cult of death.
The Middle East is falling, like a prophetic partner to the tall structures of the Twin Towers on that beautiful sunny Tuesday morning in NYC.
Like the falling of the seminal tower of Babylon, everything is confusing, and there is a cacophony of voices, but, no one hears what the other is saying..
Like the dead of 9-11-01, we won't realize the danger until the flames push us out the windows. We won't know the truth until we spend those 10 seconds in free-fall and for the first time recognize the finger of God.
I cry every 911, and spend the day trying to watch programs and study the pictures and stories of the day. Ultimately, it's the sight of the people falling from the towers that pierces me in a place so deep that I cry out for God's mercy!
God is merciful, but, there are forces at play that are contrary to our way of life, and who will not tolerate Jews and Christians much longer. Do you doubt this?
Exhibit A. : Consider today's memorial in NYC, and how the Jewish Mayor has BANNED all clergy, calling the sacred ground where the fallen lay, a "Clergy-Free Zone!"
It tears me up, and crushes my spirit, especially, considering
all the brave people of faith who rescued others. It is sacrilege, and blasphemes those like the heroic and dear Father Mike, the chaplain who went down with his brother fire-fighters.
Mychal F. Judge
What good is any tribute or memorial if we exclude God?
The gracious Lord is not to be despised. Why couldn't there be a chaplain, rabbi, Imam and even Shaman, if not to remind us of our temporal nature and dependence on God's mercy and grace?
If this war on terror is brought about by the worst bastardization of religion, why not fight evil with the best unity of mankind through our individual spirituality?
Even in today's hedonistic age, the vast majority of all people profess a belief in a Divine and Supreme Creator!
Instead of rising to the occasion, we are paradoxically allowing the consciousness of our faith in God to wax old and old-fashioned, by insidious means, by evil men in power, who even subtly are linking this evil use of religious fanaticism to justify total annihilation of the need to have faith in God at all.
It's bad enough to remember September 11, ten years gone, but, to consider September 11, 2011, with the leadership gone, Europe crushed, the Middle East erupting, African genocide and the mark of the beast being marketed by pop stars, it is almost worse than watching the dear innocent people falling, watching the towers fall to dust.
Oy vei. Oh Hamlet, what a falling off was there.
Eternal Brother In Arms
Tonight, a dear old friend, and truly blessed brother in the faith, surprised me by calling. We've not spoken for decades, since adolescence and young adulthood. Hearing his voice pierced the Time/Space boundaries of our temporal lives, and transported me back, in an instance, to another place, like a true time machine.
First, let me try to explain how this man is truly blessed. As a disciple, he's been given the most remarkable gifts of the Holy Spirit that I've ever witnessed.
He is an accomplished and extremely respected virtuoso violinist, whose work is top tier, by any standard. He's been given the gifts of prophecy and healing. Most importantly, he's been given the ultimately rarefied precious gifts of kindness, compassion, and humility. Someone with all of his attributes would walk around like a king, but, he has no airs, and has been tempered with a thorn in the side, like the Apostle Paul, who likewise accepted this as the Lord's Will, to keep him from becoming egocentric or too grand.
I don't often endorse Christians who claim certain powers, such as healing and prophecy, for oftentimes, these are willful desires, not genuinely endowed by the Holy Spirit. The reason he has proven himself to me, outside of knowing what a dear soul he has, is that without knowing how sick I've been, he called, out of the blue, because the Holy Spirit told him to pray with me.
He didn't have a clue, nor did I tell him, how yesterday, my doctor told me, once again, that I cannot put off fixing my spine, which is a mess. The pain I've been in has been a test of my own faith. It would be easy to feel sorry for myself, but, I know that we all have our crosses to bear, and I accept that God has a reason for all things, even our suffering. Yet, I constantly fail to remember that God's mercy is greater than our meager faith.
Now I feel almost foolish to have neglected to pray for my own healing, almost too afraid that all I deserved was pain, for the price of my own precious faith.
Isn't that strange? I'm just saying.... I realize now that I feel guilty for being blessed, and have allowed limitations in my life, due to pain and suffering, believing I needed to go through it, like some medieval penitent, whipping themselves for the privilege of having the love of Christ in my heart.
The scales fell from my eyes as I spoke to him, and I recognized how convolluted this was.
After he prayed for me, in the Spirit, fhe intense electrical current running hot through my spinal nerves to my toes and arms instantaneously stopped. It's been so long since I've had no pain that it felt like I was under the influence of morphine!
Not that morphine stops this kind of pain. Not that I take morphine, either, but, earlier in the year, when I had my last surgery, the suffering was beyond morphine and Demerol's reach. All i could do was pray for the strength to endure.
All I could think of was that I must need this pain to be right with the LORD!
Many will say my sudden relief, even before we prayed, was psychosomatic, even though my pain can be physiologically validated by MRIs.
Even before he prayed for me, I felt better. The Lord seemed to transport me back in time to when we were so innocent. Here I was speaking to a really profound man of faith, and a minister of Christ, but, I blurted out that he was the real Harry Potter. It caught me by surprise, but, it stunned him, and he understood that this was more truth than imagination or analogy. If I called any other dignified man of Christ "Harry Potter" they would try to exorcise my demon/s.
There is truth to it. We were both caught up in this whirlwind of adventure and love of Christ, that transported us into mystical existences, and oftentimes into real danger and truly daunting spiritual warfare.
It took me back to a time when we thought we were the last apostles and disciples of Christ, preparing to fight the dragon, with Michael. There were miracles, and things that can't be told, since in the retelling, decades later, would sound more contrived and fictional than Harry Potter.
What it really meant to me, to hear from him, was a confirmation that we are eternal brothers in Christ. I feel that way. If we never spoke again, I know that we'd meet up in New Jerusalem, and take up where we left off.
It's just nicer to hear from him, again, on this side, and more importantly, to have proof, once again, that our faith is real, and our bonds are eternal.
Thank you Heavenly Father, In Christ's NAME, for my eternal family, and I pray that you bless my deal old friend with the desires of his heart, shielding him from melancholy or darkness, because, his light is your light, shining through, like Moses coming down the mountain. It refreshed my soul, and eased my suffering. He held up that brass serpent, which is the faith of our LORD, and I believe that I was healed from within.
First, let me try to explain how this man is truly blessed. As a disciple, he's been given the most remarkable gifts of the Holy Spirit that I've ever witnessed.
He is an accomplished and extremely respected virtuoso violinist, whose work is top tier, by any standard. He's been given the gifts of prophecy and healing. Most importantly, he's been given the ultimately rarefied precious gifts of kindness, compassion, and humility. Someone with all of his attributes would walk around like a king, but, he has no airs, and has been tempered with a thorn in the side, like the Apostle Paul, who likewise accepted this as the Lord's Will, to keep him from becoming egocentric or too grand.
I don't often endorse Christians who claim certain powers, such as healing and prophecy, for oftentimes, these are willful desires, not genuinely endowed by the Holy Spirit. The reason he has proven himself to me, outside of knowing what a dear soul he has, is that without knowing how sick I've been, he called, out of the blue, because the Holy Spirit told him to pray with me.
He didn't have a clue, nor did I tell him, how yesterday, my doctor told me, once again, that I cannot put off fixing my spine, which is a mess. The pain I've been in has been a test of my own faith. It would be easy to feel sorry for myself, but, I know that we all have our crosses to bear, and I accept that God has a reason for all things, even our suffering. Yet, I constantly fail to remember that God's mercy is greater than our meager faith.
Now I feel almost foolish to have neglected to pray for my own healing, almost too afraid that all I deserved was pain, for the price of my own precious faith.
Isn't that strange? I'm just saying.... I realize now that I feel guilty for being blessed, and have allowed limitations in my life, due to pain and suffering, believing I needed to go through it, like some medieval penitent, whipping themselves for the privilege of having the love of Christ in my heart.
The scales fell from my eyes as I spoke to him, and I recognized how convolluted this was.
After he prayed for me, in the Spirit, fhe intense electrical current running hot through my spinal nerves to my toes and arms instantaneously stopped. It's been so long since I've had no pain that it felt like I was under the influence of morphine!
Not that morphine stops this kind of pain. Not that I take morphine, either, but, earlier in the year, when I had my last surgery, the suffering was beyond morphine and Demerol's reach. All i could do was pray for the strength to endure.
All I could think of was that I must need this pain to be right with the LORD!
Many will say my sudden relief, even before we prayed, was psychosomatic, even though my pain can be physiologically validated by MRIs.
Even before he prayed for me, I felt better. The Lord seemed to transport me back in time to when we were so innocent. Here I was speaking to a really profound man of faith, and a minister of Christ, but, I blurted out that he was the real Harry Potter. It caught me by surprise, but, it stunned him, and he understood that this was more truth than imagination or analogy. If I called any other dignified man of Christ "Harry Potter" they would try to exorcise my demon/s.
There is truth to it. We were both caught up in this whirlwind of adventure and love of Christ, that transported us into mystical existences, and oftentimes into real danger and truly daunting spiritual warfare.
It took me back to a time when we thought we were the last apostles and disciples of Christ, preparing to fight the dragon, with Michael. There were miracles, and things that can't be told, since in the retelling, decades later, would sound more contrived and fictional than Harry Potter.
What it really meant to me, to hear from him, was a confirmation that we are eternal brothers in Christ. I feel that way. If we never spoke again, I know that we'd meet up in New Jerusalem, and take up where we left off.
It's just nicer to hear from him, again, on this side, and more importantly, to have proof, once again, that our faith is real, and our bonds are eternal.
Thank you Heavenly Father, In Christ's NAME, for my eternal family, and I pray that you bless my deal old friend with the desires of his heart, shielding him from melancholy or darkness, because, his light is your light, shining through, like Moses coming down the mountain. It refreshed my soul, and eased my suffering. He held up that brass serpent, which is the faith of our LORD, and I believe that I was healed from within.
Eternal Brother In Arms
Tonight, a dear old friend, and truly blessed brother in the faith, surprised me by calling. We've not spoken for decades, since adolescence and young adulthood. Hearing his voice pierced the Time/Space boundaries of our temporal lives, and transported me back, in an instance, to another place, like a true time machine.
First, let me try to explain how this man is truly blessed. As a disciple, he's been given the most remarkable gifts of the Holy Spirit that I've ever witnessed.
He is an accomplished and extremely respected virtuoso violinist, whose work is top tier, by any standard. He's been given the gifts of prophecy and healing. Most importantly, he's been given the ultimately rarefied precious gifts of kindness, compassion, and humility. Someone with all of his attributes would walk around like a king, but, he has no airs, and has been tempered with a thorn in the side, like the Apostle Paul, who likewise accepted this as the Lord's Will, to keep him from becoming egocentric or too grand.
I don't often endorse Christians who claim certain powers, such as healing and prophecy, for oftentimes, these are willful desires, not genuinely endowed by the Holy Spirit. The reason he has proven himself to me, outside of knowing what a dear soul he has, is that without knowing how sick I've been, he called, out of the blue, because the Holy Spirit told him to pray with me.
He didn't have a clue, nor did I tell him, how yesterday, my doctor told me, once again, that I cannot put off fixing my spine, which is a mess. The pain I've been in has been a test of my own faith. It would be easy to feel sorry for myself, but, I know that we all have our crosses to bear, and I accept that God has a reason for all things, even our suffering. Yet, I constantly fail to remember that God's mercy is greater than our meager faith.
Now I feel almost foolish to have neglected to pray for my own healing, almost too afraid that all I deserved was pain, for the price of my own precious faith.
Isn't that strange? I'm just saying.... I realize now that I feel guilty for being blessed, and have allowed limitations in my life, due to pain and suffering, believing I needed to go through it, like some medieval penitent, whipping themselves for the privilege of having the love of Christ in my heart.
The scales fell from my eyes as I spoke to him, and I recognized how convolluted this was.
After he prayed for me, in the Spirit, fhe intense electrical current running hot through my spinal nerves to my toes and arms instantaneously stopped. It's been so long since I've had no pain that it felt like I was under the influence of morphine!
Not that morphine stop this kind of pain. Not that I take morphine, either, but, earlier in the year, when I had my last surgery, the agony was beyond morphine and Demerol's reach. All i could do was pray for the strength to endure.
All I could think of was that I must need this pain to be right with the LORD!
Many will say my sudden relief, even before we prayed, was psychosomatic, even though my pain can be physiologically validated by horrendously scary MRIs. Even before he prayed for me, I felt better. The Lord seemed to transport me back in time to when I cavorted with this sweet young guy, days which the poets would describe as "salad days."
First, let me try to explain how this man is truly blessed. As a disciple, he's been given the most remarkable gifts of the Holy Spirit that I've ever witnessed.
He is an accomplished and extremely respected virtuoso violinist, whose work is top tier, by any standard. He's been given the gifts of prophecy and healing. Most importantly, he's been given the ultimately rarefied precious gifts of kindness, compassion, and humility. Someone with all of his attributes would walk around like a king, but, he has no airs, and has been tempered with a thorn in the side, like the Apostle Paul, who likewise accepted this as the Lord's Will, to keep him from becoming egocentric or too grand.
I don't often endorse Christians who claim certain powers, such as healing and prophecy, for oftentimes, these are willful desires, not genuinely endowed by the Holy Spirit. The reason he has proven himself to me, outside of knowing what a dear soul he has, is that without knowing how sick I've been, he called, out of the blue, because the Holy Spirit told him to pray with me.
He didn't have a clue, nor did I tell him, how yesterday, my doctor told me, once again, that I cannot put off fixing my spine, which is a mess. The pain I've been in has been a test of my own faith. It would be easy to feel sorry for myself, but, I know that we all have our crosses to bear, and I accept that God has a reason for all things, even our suffering. Yet, I constantly fail to remember that God's mercy is greater than our meager faith.
Now I feel almost foolish to have neglected to pray for my own healing, almost too afraid that all I deserved was pain, for the price of my own precious faith.
Isn't that strange? I'm just saying.... I realize now that I feel guilty for being blessed, and have allowed limitations in my life, due to pain and suffering, believing I needed to go through it, like some medieval penitent, whipping themselves for the privilege of having the love of Christ in my heart.
The scales fell from my eyes as I spoke to him, and I recognized how convolluted this was.
After he prayed for me, in the Spirit, fhe intense electrical current running hot through my spinal nerves to my toes and arms instantaneously stopped. It's been so long since I've had no pain that it felt like I was under the influence of morphine!
Not that morphine stop this kind of pain. Not that I take morphine, either, but, earlier in the year, when I had my last surgery, the agony was beyond morphine and Demerol's reach. All i could do was pray for the strength to endure.
All I could think of was that I must need this pain to be right with the LORD!
Many will say my sudden relief, even before we prayed, was psychosomatic, even though my pain can be physiologically validated by horrendously scary MRIs. Even before he prayed for me, I felt better. The Lord seemed to transport me back in time to when I cavorted with this sweet young guy, days which the poets would describe as "salad days."
Saturday, September 10, 2011
The Geodesic Dome Vision
I wanted to share a phenomenal image that pierced my mind, from out of nowhere. I was just driving down the street, and in my mind's eye, I could imagine what I call "The Cube" or New Jerusalem. It was very different than any other concept I've had in the past. I'm an artist, and I'll update this with a drawing I'm working on, but, I can post the generalized concept of it as an enclosed geodesic dome with 12 sides. I have to add a disclaimer, in case it's necessary, that I am not a prophet, nor claim to have knowledge beyond my own vivid imagination, but, who knows? Sometimes, even our artistic visions come from a divine source. What if this is the case? I always approach revelation with temperance and respect, knowing I can be wrong.
OK, so with this in mind, here's my vision of the rudimentary plan of the divine New Jerusalem.
The outer layers formed a straight line box-type of shape, but, they were magnificently translucent, in prismatic colors, like jewels. It reminded me of mystic topaz, one of my favorite stones.
I believed I could perceive of an atmosphere within the structure, as odd as it sounds! I also strained my brain to look deep, and saw the bluest waters running through like veins and arteries in a living body.
I couldn't shake this sight. It was awesome. I adore nature and the natural beauty of this planet. I cherish and appreciate every animal and for me, one of the truest witnesses of God are found in the complexity and color and diversity of plants, animals, mountains, and rolling hills.
Just one tiny flower speaks louder than any preacher.
In this vision, there are species of flowers and trees that exceed our own natural world. The hypnotically enthralling lure of orchids are an inferior template of the divine fields I saw. I've lived in the tropics for ten years, but, I've never seen water as blue as the streams in my daydream.
What was even more spectacular for me was the sound of joy, emanating from the farthest reaches, like a symphony of true blessings. There was singing, some like the divine and powerful Gregorian chants, but, other tunes like the thrilling gospel singers that grace the African American churches I've been so blessed to experience. Unless you've been to a real gospel music church of the Holy Spirit, you haven't experienced the power of the gift of music.
In fact, isn't rock and roll, a stolen bastardization of this holy, holy, holiest form of worship?
What was even more fascinating, is that I saw the fashion of the future. Far from the plain white or black shrouds that we would associate with holiness, at that level, people were actually dressed in dazzling colors. However, it was still modest. Actually, it reminded me of a kind of hippy-Bedouin or fancy Indian style light bright robes. Very happy clothing, and it looked comfortable, and like everything else up there, it exuded joy and happiness.
The primary food was actually fruit and nuts, as far as I could discern, and I pay attention to food. There was no doubt manna, too, though, I didn't necessary see any. I just know that it had to be there, since it is the food of the celestial beings. I always consider manna to be similar to halvah.
My favorite visions within the vision are the animals. Elephants, lions that are like friendly puppies, snakes with cute faces, and all the cats and dogs that are returned to us through pet resurrection. It was pretty cool to imagine how it would be to reunited with all the pets I've loved, who are returned to be with us.
I know I have a wild imagination, but, this seemed to real to me, and sometimes, it helps to daydream about a better world, and a happy place where there's no more tears, pain, hunger, or thirst. There will be no cruelty or evil whatsoever, and I do believe, with all my heart, that where Jesus dwells, will be pure joy, however that translates to each individual soul.
We're so blessed to have this hope and faith. I feel incredibly fortunate to have had this vision, on a day when I didn't feel particularly well, or happy.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
New Jerusalem
New Jerusalem may legitimately be likened to Star Trek's "Borg Cube", an ginormous space colony. We are told in Revelation 21 that it will descend from heaven, glittering and bejeweled like a bride.
Earlier this week, False Prophet, Al Gore, chided the common man and warned them that choosing not to obey his law of green is equal to being a "racist."
I literally LAUGHED out loud when I read this. What makes the choice to disbelieve in the hype of global warming a racist thought? I simply do NOT believe in global warming. Granted, the world is polluted, but, his rhetoric is sounding more and more fascist and Nazi-like.
Al Gore's family became rich by mining the world, and his personal carbon footprint exceeds dozens and perhaps thousands of individual souls. He's so unlikeable and egregiously hypocritical, that there's a creepy, almost demonic presence to him.
Is the world a sentient being that it is hurt by denying there's such a mythology as "global warming"? Does the earth cry? Does the earth, itself, even care?
There's this new Orwellian mood in the Western world, establishing the criteria for the next thought-crimes, and vernacular of the times.
I don't disagree that the world's oceans and specie have suffered on our account. I agree that we do need to be conservative in our lifestyle but, this starts with population control. This is why there are disease outbreaks, famine and war. As we conquer disease and famine, diseases are being generated to do the trick. This is the world's way to keep our species in check.
Still, the rich will always live the way they choose. Like Al Gore, they can fly planes, have multiple homes, live extravagantly, drive limos, while demanding we don't drive at all.
When the Earth is done, there is another coming way before that. Don't forget, the biggest threat to our future is not global warming but nuclear winter.
Description of New Jerusalem's Size
New Jerusalem’s measurements also correlate with the size of the earth. New Jerusalem is a cube 12,000 furlongs on an edge. Smith’s Bible Dictionary says one furlong is 220 yards (660 feet). Thus 12,000 furlongs ´ 660 feet = 7,920,000 feet. The New American Standardtranslates 12,000 furlongs directly into 1,500 miles (1,500 miles ´ 5,280 feet to a mile = 7,920,000 feet). The diameter of earth is 7,920 miles and New Jerusalem is 7,920,000 feet on each side.

We stand in awe as we behold the work of the great architect of the universe who designed and created our earth and sun. Then he gives us the New Jerusalem picture with measurements that correlate exactly with the dimensions of earth and sun.
Only our great God and creator knew these dimensions thousands of years ago when the Bible was written. He gave them to strengthen our faith and show us that this beautiful picture of New Jerusalem was designed by him. This last symbol in the Bible, the New Jerusalem, is his final way of telling us that everything he gave us in the Bible is true and will be fulfilled! The Church will indeed shine as the sun in God’s thousand-year kingdom! God will indeed bless all the families of the earth in “The New Jerusalem!”
These dimensions are without oceans. It's hard to imagine the size and ability to populate billions of people for 1000 years. There is no polar zones, or scorching desert . This is all prime real estate.
It's quite alien, yet, created to represent paradise to our species. It will be a vegetarian kingdom, where predatory animals will graze and live peacefully. It will be a safe place to live. When in our lives have we ever known real safety?
But, there are laws. Rebellion is the biggest crime. Who would want to rebel, once the veil is lifted? There will always be those who reject God. God's kingdom, whether heavenly and all-encompassing or in the finite breadth of a reconstructed planet, mirroring the original.
Can you see it coming? Close your eyes and imagine that cube's descent through the hidden channels of Time/Space.
See something mind-blowing beautiful, much more beautiful than the Borg's cube.
First of all, it's exterior is made from gold alloys and jewels. The "cube" may actually be a representation of this model:
There are those who don't buy this physical body of New Jerusalem, and believe it is a metaphor or allegory for heaven. I think it will be an actual place.
There's simply too much detail in Ezekiel and Revelation to discount it's physical reality. EXACT measurement
is given in Ezekiel last chapters. In fact, it's difficult to get through Ezekiel's final chapters without growing weary.
These dimensions are without oceans. It's hard to imagine the size and ability to populate billions of people for 1000 years. There is no polar zones, or scorching desert . This is all prime real estate.
It's quite alien, yet, created to represent paradise to our species. It will be a vegetarian kingdom, where predatory animals will graze and live peacefully. It will be a safe place to live. When in our lives have we ever known real safety?
But, there are laws. Rebellion is the biggest crime. Who would want to rebel, once the veil is lifted? There will always be those who reject God. God's kingdom, whether heavenly and all-encompassing or in the finite breadth of a reconstructed planet, mirroring the original.
Can you see it coming? Close your eyes and imagine that cube's descent through the hidden channels of Time/Space.
See something mind-blowing beautiful, much more beautiful than the Borg's cube.
First of all, it's exterior is made from gold alloys and jewels. The "cube" may actually be a representation of this model:
There are those who don't buy this physical body of New Jerusalem, and believe it is a metaphor or allegory for heaven. I think it will be an actual place.
There's simply too much detail in Ezekiel and Revelation to discount it's physical reality. EXACT measurement
is given in Ezekiel last chapters. In fact, it's difficult to get through Ezekiel's final chapters without growing weary.
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