Saturday, June 16, 2007

Prayers for Stephanie Henry

Check me out!

Look at this gorgeous 22 year old. It makes my heart ache for
her family. Stephanie, recently graduated with a degree in
Criminal Justice, and getting ready to enter Law School in
the Fall. She was vacationing here in Florida, and was last
seen at a club a few miles away from my home.

Now she is missing, and I have a sick, sick heart. Her family
thinks someone is holding her captive for her beauty, and I pray
that's the case. Please Lord God, make that be the scenario,
and if there's any way to preserve her life, send angels to
her, now.

But, it's like she is taking refuge in my room all day, and in
my sad and sick heart. I don't know her, and why should
I even care more than to say, "It's a shame...."?

I dread her fate, in my mind's eye, seeing her being dumped
in the canal. What if she is in the canal I am looking at right
now? Is that why I fear for her, and why I feel her so strongly?

Alligators live in our canals, but, they are not the dangerous
ones. There are monsters walking around preying on people
like Stephanie, a good girl who wanted to be a lawyer.

It's not fair. All I can do is pray, and Lord God, please don't
let whoever took her elude justice.

But, how I long to be wrong about her fate. I want more than
anything to see her turn up this weekend, after some innocuous
explanation. Yet, in the darkness of night, the ebony water isn't
even reflecting the moon or stars. It is still and seems to have
death in it's pit... I look at the canal now even though, it causes
a deep dread. I pray she isn't dead, and God forbid put in
our canal.

I am heartbroken for her family and those who know this
beautiful young woman. If only some word would come to
dispell this dark dread and fear that the worst happened.

Why would anyone harm such a wonderful woman?
Why are there demons walking amongst the lambs?
When is Jesus coming to take us all away from them?

Father God, in the Name of Jesus, please send your
angels to minister to those who love Stephanie, and
may they be comforted. If someone hurt her, put a
spotlight on them. Let them foil themselves with the
consciousness of guilt which will give them away.
Most of all, let Stephanie be found to go home to
New York, and the people who pray for her and
who are crying tonight, unable to sleep like me,
and I don't even know her.

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