Saturday, May 5, 2007

Tornado in Greensburg Kansas - 9 known dead

These are actual pictures of the tornado in Greensburg Kansas. The one
above is eerie, because you have what look like 3 crosses of Golgotha.
The one below is a color one of the same tornado, and it takes disturbing
shape of a question mark.

Associated Press
By ROXANA HEGEMAN 05.05.07, 4:34 PM ET

Our Father in Heaven, I lift up those who
are injured, or trapped.Rescue any person,
pet, and animal who is in danger.

May Your Holy Comfort and Presence abide there for those
enduring the aftermath of these fierce tornadoes.

Please hold close to your tender heart, all those who have lost
loved ones, friends, neighbors, pets, and animals, homes, farms
and businesses.

Please spare these people from any further misery, for
your mercy is greatest upon us when we are at our lowest,
and when we have no other hope but your grace.

Lord, you are merciful, and may you sustain those who
who are bereaved and in shock. Sustain them, and give
their hearts consolation.

Father, we are truly all dust in the wind, and vanity,
when compared to the vastness of the Universe, which
is your creation.

Who are we to be noticed by you, to be given consideration?
Yet, you have given us the precious hope, consolation and joy,
in the promise of eternal life, and being reunited with those we
love, in Your Kingdom.

I ask that this promise shine in the dark aftermath of the
heartbreak and tragedy of Greensburg Kansas tonight.

In the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Amen.

10:30 PM update

I wanted to know more about this little town.
Greensburg Kansas had two distinct treasures:

1. The largest hand dug well, which took years to
complete in the 1880s.

The story of the World's Largest Hand-Dug Well began in the 1880's when both the Santa Fe and Rock Island railroads were laying tracks across the plains of Kansas. A large supply of water was needed for the steam locomotives and for the people of the area. The only dependable source of water was from a well. In 1887, the city granted a franchise for a water works system, to cost approximately $45,000, a huge sum of money in those days. The Santa Fe terminated its track at the west Kiowa County line and removed it eight years later.

2. The largest known meteorite:

1000 pound meteorite (Space Wanderer) at the Big Well

Half iron and half stone, the Pallasite Meteorite (Space Wanderer) on display in the Celestial Museum at the Big Well in Greensburg, was found on the Ellis Peck farm east of Greensburg by Mr. H. 0. Stockwell of Hutchinson, Kansas, using a device similar to a mine detector. The Space Wanderer may be old beyond imagination and from far beyond our solar system. Meteorites or "shooting stars" have awed humanity throughout history.
The well and the shop that held the Space Wanderer
are no longer there.

I feel so sad, for not only the deaths, and great personal
loss that these dear people have suffered, but, this is the
end of this little piece of American history.

This Kansas town was likened to where Auntie Em and
Uncle Henry lived, and it epitomized the heart of America.

"Birds fly over the rainbow, why then oh why can't I?"

There is too much pain and despair under the arc of
God's bow in the sky. The bow of light, and color, that
crosses the sky. after the wrath of nature inflicts it's
brutal damage below, is the sign of God's grace and it
is the seal of His promise to mankind.

We all must die, and those who live in faith are promised
that they will fly, over that rainbow, figuratively, and literally,
rise to join the redeemed of the LORD.

We are beckoned to the great Wedding Feast of the Holy
Lamb of God, our Savior, Jesus Christ. When our hearts
are consumed in mourning, and loss, for that which must
return to God, we can draw upon God's PROMISES, and
our hope of eternal life.

But, Lord, sometimes, there is so much suffering under
the rainbow, tonight. Right now, they are reporting there
are at least dozen new tornadoes heading for Greensburg.

This is the kind of tragic synchronicity which makes
me shut down and freeze. Please Lord, help me to
put on your armor, and stop crying tonight.

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